Reception of Scientific PAPERS
Submission of a paper does not guarantee acceptance; it must meet the specified requirements and receive endorsement from the Scientific Committee of the Congress. This committee consists of researchers selected for their expertise and career in research. Manuscripts of 6-10 pages are limited to a maximum of 4 authors, and the paper should be written in English. A designated member of the organizing committee will serve as the proceedings manager and will be responsible for analyzing the articles using anti-plagiarism software. The proceedings manager will also verify that the article has not been previously published in another conference or journal. The EasyChair platform will be used for submitting and receiving articles and assigning reviewers. An organizational member will oversee the platform and create conference tracks. Each track will have an organizational member in charge, responsible for selecting suitable reviewers to evaluate the articles. Articles will be approved, accepted with minor revisions, or rejected. In all these cases, authors will be notified through the EasyChair platform, which will send email notifications at each stage of the review process. If an article is accepted with minor revisions, authors will have 15 days to make the necessary modifications. The revised article will be uploaded through the EasyChair platform to meet the requested changes. Please find the links below to download a general template for writing an article: Microsoft Word LaTex For those using the LaTex template, it can also be accessed through the Overleaf website. For inquiries related to the LaTex template, please contact Ing. Ind. Luis Pilacuan Bonete. PhD. - Upon acceptance of the article and assignment to the publication journal, it becomes the author's responsibility to adjust the article to the format associated with the respective publication journal. The specific format details will be provided by a member of the organizing committee. Authors are welcome to submit the article using the following link: EasyChair Every approved article must be presented by one of the authors. Regarding presentations: Authors will present their articles via a virtual platform within a 15-minute period, with an additional 5 minutes allocated to answer questions from the audience. Both the spoken presentation and the slides should be in English. Instructions for Authors Below are the sections that must be included in a scientific article, the recommended content for each section, and the suggested word limit. These guidelines aim to ensure clarity, coherence, and rigor in the presentation of research. ______________ 1. Title Recommended content: The title should be concise, descriptive, and reflect the main content of the article. Avoid jargon or non-standard abbreviations. Word limit: Maximum 15 words. ______________ 2. Abstract Recommended content: Provide a clear and brief summary that includes the study's objective, methodology, main results, and conclusions. It should be self-contained, meaning it is understandable without reading the full article. Word limit: 150-250 words. 3. Keywords Recommended content: Include 3 to 6 keywords that represent the main concepts of the article. These terms should facilitate indexing and searching of the article in scientific databases. Word limit: 3-6 terms. 4. Introduction Recommended content: Present the context and relevance of the study, review existing literature, identify the knowledge gap, and state the research objectives or questions. Word limit: 300-500 words. ______________ 5. Methods Recommended content: Describe the study design, materials used, procedures, and data analysis techniques in detail. The section should be clear enough to allow replication of the study. Word limit: 500-800 words. ______________ 6. Results Recommended content: Present the findings clearly and organized, using tables, figures, and text as needed. Do not interpret the results in this section. Word limit: 500-700 words. ______________ 7. Discussion Recommended content: Interpret the results in the context of existing literature, discuss the study's implications, limitations, and potential future research directions. Word limit: 600-900 words. ______________ 8. Conclusion Recommended content: Summarize the main findings and their significance. Avoid repeating information already mentioned in the discussion. Word limit: 150-300 words. 9. Acknowledgments Recommended content: Acknowledge the contributions of individuals, institutions, or funders who supported the research. Word limit: 50-100 words. |