Registration for the II International Conference of Applied Industrial Engineering.

Professors and student assistants of the University of Guayaquil.


Teaching professor assistants from other universities


Student assistants from other universities


Call for papers:October 27th, 2023
Deadline for submission:March 3rd, 2024
Notification of acceptance:March 15th, 2024
Camera-ready paper submission:April 4th, 2024
Conference dates:May 28th-30th, 2024



Thank you for expressing interest in presenting at our conference. Please find the links below to download a general template for writing an article:
Microsoft Word

Upon acceptance of the article and assignment to the publication journal, it becomes the author's responsibility to adjust the article to the format associated with the respective publication journal. The specific format details will be provided by a member of the organizing committee.

Authors are welcome to submit the article using the following link: EasyChair