day 1 – Tuesday, May 23

First International Congress of Applied Industrial Engineering – Circular Economy and Industry 4.0

09H00 – 09H45Opening ceremonyModerators: Mgr. Enrique Martínez García
Lcda. Pilar Macías Suárez
10H00 - 11H00ROOM 1

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Moderators: Mgr. Enrique Martínez GarcíaModerator: Ph.D. Yomar González Cañizalez
#1 International Keynote
Ph.D. María Purificación Galindo Villardón
Professor Researcher University of Salamanca – Spain

Topic: The role of data analytics in the era of artificial intelligence and the cognitive enterprise.
International Keynote Speaker #2Ph.D. Jaime Arias Aguilar
Professor State University of Campinas – Brazil

Topic: Conceptualization of a smart city and how it is built.
11H00 - 12H00BREAK
12H00 - 12H30ROOM 1

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Ph.D. Sandra Zapata VegaCapture and geolocate: A mobile application for multimedia data collectionMg. Erwin Murillo LópezCircular economy model for reuse of wastewater in companies in the ISIC C-1701.05 sector.
12H30 - 13H00Mg. Ernesto Loján GrandaBig Data as support for the administration of public services in the city of Guayaquil, EcuadorMg. Arturo Sánchez GranjaDetermination of solid waste management indicators for a pharmaceutical product manufacturing process.
13H00 - 13H30BREAK
13H30 - 14H00ROOM 1

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Moderator: Mgs. Ángel García GutiérrezModerador: MSc. Angel Plaza Vargas
National Keynote Speaker #3

Ph.D. Hugo Fernández Macas
Catholic University of Guayaquil – Ecuador

Topic: The internationalization of the Industrial Engineering career and its impact on Industry 4.0 in Ecuador
National Keynote Speaker #4

Mgs. Pablo Picazo Martínez
Carlos III University of Madrid – Spain

Topic: Open Source 5G-NSA Network for Industry 4.0 Applications
14H00 – 14H30ROOM 1ROOM 2
Moderator: MSc. Rodolfo Parra LópezModerator: Mg. María Allauca Amaguaya
Mg. Omar Coloma HurelSimulation model for packaging in the banana industryMg. Carlos García GutiérrezAnalysis of social sustainability in the monitoring and control of pitahaya production managed by Agrocalidad.
14H30 – 15H00Mg. Raúl Mata MuñozFeasibility analysis for the generation of electrical energy through a wind – solar photovoltaic systemPh.D. Pedro Castro V.Analysis of the potential of residual biomass for electricity generation in countries of the Amazon basin.
15H00 – 15H30Mg. Sandy Berrezueta MerchanAnalysis of the production of chitin and chitosan as biodegradable raw materials.Mg. Fausto Benitez TroyaCircular economy practices in public markets.
Link de Inscripción:

Dra. Purificación Galindo Villardón

Director and Researcher of the Institutional Research Center (CEIE) of ESPOL

Dr. Jaime Arias

International Tutor Professor, Faculdade Anhanguera Valinhos Brazil 

Dr. Hugo Fernández Macas

Professor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the University of Guayaquil

Msc. Pablo Picazo Martínez

Researcher in 5G/6G networks at ITEAM Reasearch Institute