First International Congress of Applied Industrial Engineering – Circular Economy and Industry 4.0
09H00 - 10H00 | ROOM 1 Enlace 05: | ROOM 2 Enlace 06: |
Moderator: MSc. Neiser Ortiz Mosquera | Moderator: MSc. Fausto Benitez Troya | |||
National Keynote Speaker #5 | MSc. Jorge Paucar Samaniego Chimborazo Polytechnic Higher School – Ecuador Topic: Soil nutrient monitoring system using lora technology applied to cocoa plantations. | International Keynote Speaker #6 | Ph.D. Omar Rivera Calle César Vallejo University – Peru Topic: University Research and its contribution to the Circular Economy |
10H00 - 10H40 | Moderator: Mg. Maria Trujillo Coloma | Moderator: Mg. Dennis Zambrano Silva | ||
ROOM 1 Enlace 01: | ROOM 2 Enlace 02: |
MSc. Otto González Mendoza | IT solution based on a structured professional risk management and control system. | Mg. Jhon Tobar Litardo | Teacher training for teaching industry 4.0 in higher education. | |
10H40 - 11H20 | Ing. Eduardo Ocaña Rosero | Performance analysis of a WLAN network implementing the IEEE 802.11ax standard aimed at multiple access networks and latency-sensitive applications. | Mg. Ingrid García Torres | Effectiveness of virtual learning compared to face-to-face learning using a Machine-based AI tool. |
11H20 - 12H00 | IMg. Miguel Vargas Bustamante | Web Application based on Industry 4.0 for the Control of collections for services provided. | Mg. Ximena Trujillo Borja | Comparative analysis of routing protocols applied in WSNs used in industrial environments. |
12H00 - 13H00 | BREAK | |||
13H30 - 14H00 | ROOM 1 Enlace 07: | ROOM 2 Enlace 08: |
Moderator: MSc. Karina Valenzuela Burbano | Moderator: PhD. Pedro Castro Verdezoto | |||
National Keynote Speaker #7 | Ph.D. Víctor Huilcapi Subia Salesian Polytechnic University – Ecuador Topic: Multi-objective Computational Intelligence for process optimization | National Keynote Speaker #8 | Ph.D. Eduardo Almeida Benalcázar Delft University – Netherlands Topic: Fermentation of gas mixtures of CO, H2 and CO2 for large-scale ethanol production. |
14H00 – 14H30 | ROOM 1 | ROOM 2 | ||
Moderator: Mg. Samuel Pazmiño Linares | Moderator: Mg. William Navas Espin |
MSc. Diana Gallegos Zurita | Digitalization in irrigation 4.0 and the capture of climatic variables with IOT devices, to optimize corn production in a sector of Manabí. | Mg. Galo Estupiñán Vera | Bibliometric analysis indicators for the use of PVC and aluminum waste from the pharmaceutical sector. | |
14H30 – 15H00 | Mg. Miguel Veintimilla Andrade | Comprehensive Information Management Systems in the Context of an Intelligent University: Impact and Efficiency in Academic and Administrative Processes in the Era of Industry 4.0 | MAE. César Bustamante Chong | Generation of knowledge in Health institutions through the application of metadata |
15H00 – 15H30 | IMg. Jairo Veintimilla Andrade | Hygiene monitoring system in bathrooms using Industry 4.0 technologies | Mg. Margareth Camacho Angulo | Application of the theory of constraints in a production process with a focus on industry 4.0. |
Our Team

Msc. Jorge Paucar Samaniego
Electronics and Automation Engineer from the University of the Armed Forces

Mgs. Omar Rivera
University teacher with 12 years of work at the César Vallejo University Piura branch.

Dr. Víctor Huilcapi
Research Professor at the Salesian Polytechnic University

Dr. Eduardo Almeida Benalcázar
Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Biotechnology – Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Photo Gallery
Second day of Conferences